Gearing up to present with Andy McCrea tomorrow as part of PaTTAN’s RtI Implementer’s Forum tomorrow. As Andy and I were updating the PowerPoint this past week, we realized we’ve been speaking on this topic for 5 years now! It’s been interesting to see the evolution of awareness in our participants over time. Many more participants have access to curriculum-based measurement (CBM) data than when we first started. Even more have figured out how to graph data and generate trend lines in Microsoft Excel, some without realizing they are essentially computing linear regression statistics! We’ve presented for a range of audiences that started out as mainly school psychologists but has expanded to teams who are implementing components of RtI in their schools. Tomorrow’s workshop is formatted for just that – teams! Should be another great interactive workshop!
PA RtI Implementer’s Forum
Pennsylvania RtI Implementers Forum 2013
Andy and I were just confirmed to conduct a workshop on graphing, calculating, and interpreting rate of improvement in June 2013! Our state technical assistance network is hosting an implementers forum to have school-based RtI teams within the state come together for professional development. We’re looking forward to presenting to a mixed group of professionals!
NASP Workshop 2012
Thanks to everyone who came out to the workshop session yesterday! Our workshop focused several aspects of rate of improvement including (a) how we arrived at the conclusion that rate of improvement is a meaningful statistic that can be used as part of data-based decision-making, and a need to be consistent with how to calculate, graph, and interpret rate of improvement. It was a great opportunity for us to work with practitioners and educators interested in the topic of student growth in relation to eligibility decision-making. While a presentation that incorporates technology, especially the variability between software versions can be daunting, we seemed to get through the workshop in a way that reached everyone. However, if you have lingering questions, feel free to email us! We will be posting the latest PowerPoint to the Downloads section of the site this weekend. We appreciate feedback, comments, and questions! We are hoping to be invited to present again at next year’s convention in Seattle, WA!
NASP Workshop 2012
Andy McCrea and I are presenting next month in Philadelphia for the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. We are hoping to have an informative and interactive session with our participants. To sign up visit and click on WS36. All participants are strongly encouraged to bring a laptop or tablet with Excel or Numbers!!! Our workshop can be attended as “Part II” to Dr. Joe Kovaleski’s workshop WS31.
Our workshop on Thursday, February 23, 2012, 12:30-3:30PM. Andy and I review the research on interpreting student growth using curriculum-based measurement data, model how to use Excel or Numbers to calculate a rate of improvement statistic, and discuss how student growth fits into the eligibility conversation within an RTI model. Data analysis and graphing will be featured. Participants are strongly encouraged to bring a laptop or tablet computer equipped with Excel or Numbers. This workshop can stand alone or serve as Part II to Dr. Kovaleski’s introductory workshop entitled Determining Eligibility for Special Education in an RTI System: Basic Concepts and Procedures (WS31), Thursday, February 23, 2012, 8:30–11:30 a.m.
Bring a colleague! Hope to see you there!
NASP Convention 2012

Learning to Graph Rate of Improvement
After a successful set of workshops at the 2011 Annual Convention for the National Association of School Psychologists, we were just notified that we are invited back to conduct a workshop during next year’s convention to be held in Philadelphia, PA in February!
Participants will be able to choose one or both workshops. The morning session will be an introductory workshop for SLD identification using RTI by Dr. Joe Kovaleski. The second workshop is for advanced applications of calculating and interpreting rate of improvement by Caitlin Flinn and Andy McCrea (bring your laptops for this one it’s a hands on experience).
We are excited that the conference will be local for us! Visit for forthcoming registration information.
NASP Workshops = Success!
With over 200 people in attendance between the two workshops in San Fransisco, Joe Kovaleski, D.Ed. and Caitlin Flinn, M.Ed. shared knowledge of the using response to intervention for special education eligibility. Four criteria of eligibility were discussed, the second focusing specifically on rate of improvement. Participants learned the definition of rate of improvement, reviewed multiple methods for graphing and calculation, and experienced step-by-step instructions for graphing and calculation of rate of improvement based on reviews of research. The new website was announced for the first time to an audience who stated they were very happy to have a helpful resource!