January 24, 2025

New Resource for Educators – Education ABA Website

My good friend and colleague Kevin Kuhn has recently created a website for educators interested in resources and tools related to applied behavior analysis called Education ABA (also listed on the Resources page of this site).  Given the scope my site, I’m a big fan of the page within this site about Graphing Data.  Contrasted to the various downloads on my site, Kevin’s has many of his graphing templates available in an online form that can be shared through Google Drive.  Below is a preview of the types of graphing templates available on Education ABA.

  • Frequency / Rate Graphing Template (with Goal Line & Trendline)
  • IEP Goal % Graphing
  • ABAB Design Semi-Logarithmic Graph
  • RTI and IEP Behavior Progress Monitoring – Rating / Likert Scale

Directions for using the graphs are built into the graphs themselves so educators can easily use and understand the templates.  Graphs can be adapted and customized and are intended for use in response to intervention (RTI) frameworks and for monitoring goals in Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).


Emerging Best Practice for Determining ROI #1

As part of my dissertation, I’ve compiled a list of what I think are emerging best practices for determining rate of improvement.  In other words, what are the necessary conditions for having confidence in the ROI statistic?  The first emerging best practice I’m considering is the use of technically adequate and psychometrically sound measures.  If we don’t have good data, there’s no point in creating a trend line or calculating an ROI statistic.  One of the best resources is the progress monitoring tools chart.  Note that this chart can still be accessed through the National Center on Response to Intervention but is now housed at the National Center on Intensive Intervention.  Not all assessments are located on this chart as they are submitted voluntarily but it’s good place to start if your school team is looking for ideas.

When school-based teams are considering making high stakes decisions such as special education eligibility, the quality of data needed is much higher.  Teams need to consider if the assessments they are using is measuring what they intends to measure (validity) and if they can measure skills consistently (reliability).  Other aspects of assessments to consider in relation to generating a stable trend line are whether the measure can demonstrate small increments of growth and if the assessments can be repeated through alternate forms.  An example of a technically adequate measure that was designed to produce ROI is the computer adaptive tests from Renaissance Learning called STAR Reading and STAR Math.  After only four data points, the system will generate a stable trend line that can be used to interpret student progress.  A non-example would be teacher-made assessments or unit tests.  The latter measures may be helpful for teachers to know how students are performing with concepts they are learning in class, but have not been validated for the purpose of generating trend lines or ROI from the results.

Questions and comments are welcome! What are your school teams using to document student progress?
