February 6, 2025

NASP Convention 2011

NASP - 2011 Convention

NASP - 2011 Convention - Rate of Improvement

Excited for this year’s National Association of School Psychologist’s Convention this week! I’ll be in San Fransisco, CA at the Nikko Hotel presenting with Dr. Joe Kovaleski from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Our workshop provides a model using response to intervention for special education eligibility. Naturally, I’ll be going over how to graph and calculate RATE OF IMPROVEMENT. Should be a nice trip! Hopefully it will bring some traffic to the new website! ~Caitlin

Follow the Twitter stream by using the hashtag #nasp2011

About Caitlin

Caitlin Flinn Bennyhoff, D.Ed., NCSP, is currently employed as a Nationally Certified School Psychologist in Pennsylvania. She completed her doctoral degree in school psychology at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Her main interests include response-to-intervention, systems-level change, measuring student growth, and data analysis teams.


  1. Thanks to the 200+ participants for venturing out to San Fransisco for the workshops! We are starting to get feedback from the NASP workshop coordinators. If you are looking through your handouts or the site and find you have a question, feel free to post a comment to this thread for us to answer! If you have a questions, it’s likely that others did, too! As always – happy Excel graphing and regression calculating! -Caitlin

  2. Jen says:

    I am in charge of RtI for our district and this year we are going from use of AIMSWeb, which made this simple, to use of DRA and Fountes and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System. These systems, unlike AIMSWeb, only offer guided reading levels, but will not be helpful in progress monitoring more frequently unless we can determine a productive rate of improvement. We are looking to have our students gain 1.5 years in 1.0 year. Any thoughts on how we can create a formula for this for teachers to use so they aren’t just guessing. DRA and F& P by the way do not go by 1 level at a time but more like 2, 4, 6 and they are not the same. I was thinking to look at 1.5 years ahead of whereever the student is currently at and expect that for the entire year and then break that down by the # of weeks in the year to determine where the student should be at each week. Your thoughts? We also wanted to figure out a way to calculate in the strategies expected at those levels, such as this book level, but also this many (2) strategies every 2 weeks. Again, your thoughts?
    Thank SO much!
    Glad I found this site!


  1. [...] Here is a great question submitted by Jen on 2011/07/15 at 2:57 pm [...]

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